Thursday, June 01, 2006

Conference Concluding Remarks

One more suggestion in support of preterist view. Gary could
have read selections of one of the latter chapters in Hal
Lindsey's book _Vanished Into Thin Air_ where Hal unloads his
pessimistic view of the future. Then Gary could have painted a
verbal picture: imagine the futility in the hearts of Hal's
children and grandchildren listening to all this.

There is much more to discuss in eschatology. Perhaps a topic
such as "Revelation 20 - The millennium - Present or Future"
would be a good topic with the intent of exchanging more
information in the eschatology debate.

Gary DeMar closed the conference asking "Where Do We Go From
Here?". I would like to see more intra-Christian debates. Here
are some suggestions:

The U.S. Constitution - a Christian document

Herb Titus or Bill Federer - yes
Gary North or Dennis Woods - no

The Marriage Protection Amendment

Pro - James Dobson
Con - Herb Titus

1st amendment includes anti-discrimination
toward atheists

Pro - John Whitehead or Keith Fornier
Con - someone who believes USC is Christian?

Christian Theocracy - Is it good or bad?

Good - Gary DeMar? or someone who takes Greg Bahnsen literally
Bad - Richard Land (of Southern Baptist ethics and religious

The Kingdom of God - Spiritual only or 'everything'

Pro - John Piper or John MacArthur?
Con - Gary DeMar (or any preterist really)

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