Monday, July 20, 2009

Technology changes things, or does it?

I attended on the Internet this
morning with my wife and daughter-in-law. It seemed different
than those Billy-Graham televised sermons of years ago or was
it? The message was the same: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The thought came to me that maybe, just maybe, the United
States doesn't have to go through a complete meltdown in order
for our culture to once again embrace Spiritual Truth. The
message of Christ, the milk [Hebrews 5:12], is still being
preached whether at or by Billy's son Franklin
Graham. However, growth does appear to be missing.
Christians in the United States are babies who "need milk not
solid food".

"Solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers
of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish
good from evil." [Hebrews 5:14] So, is Nationalizing health
care good or evil? What about that macro-economic sticky
question: since the government literally creates currency can
it be guilty of theft? Or other political (State) economic
questions need answers. When is a robin-hood (take from the
rich to give to the poor) policy evil? When is it good? For
what policies?

In just a few days I'll be in the middle of a conference
hearing about "How Christians Will Change the Future". I hope
it won't be just another conference where people attend get
oooohed and aaaaahed during the event but basically remain the
same afterward. I hope it does have a lasting effect. We
sure do need mature Christians to reshape and redirect our
future (culture).

In years past, I would have used a concordance and a paper
Bible to refresh my memory of these quoted Bible verses.
Tonight I just used my Olive Tree Bible and software on my
cell phone. Technology doesn't really change the core values
or issues within a culture it only provides us better tools.

1 comment:

Toby Rockefeller said...

Socialized healthcare is evil! :)